CompreMed - Services
Quality Assured Independent Assessment Services
Our Specialties
We will source any additional services you may require.
- Addictions
- Allergy/Immunology
- Cardiology
- Chiropractic
- Dermatology
- Gastroenterology
- Internal Medicine
- Kinesiology
- Neurology
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosurgery
- Occupational Therapy
- Ophthalmology
- Oral-Dental Surgery
- Orthopedics
- Otolaryngology
- Pharmaceutical
- Plastic Surgery
- Physiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Psychiatry/Forensic Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Radiology
- Rheumatology
- Thoracic Surgery
- Urology
Services We Offer
Independent Medical Assessments (IME)
Independent Medical Evaluations are third party assessments for injured and/or disabled employees or plan members. IMEs are an invaluable tool to assist employers and disability managers in making informed decisions regarding disability and Return to Work strategies. Virtual options are available.
Cognitive Abilities Evaluations (CAE)
Cognitive Abilities Evaluations measure an individual’s cognitive abilities and compares them to the cognitive demands of their occupation.
It is performed by an occupational therapist and will provide recommendations for accommodation and/or job coaching.
Cognitive function is also more specifically assessed in a neuropsychology assessment.
Physical Demands Analysis (PDA)
A PDA is generally conducted to assess whether or not someone can return to their former duties following an illness or accident.
PDA is based on a job description provided by the referring agency and used by an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist or Kinesiologist, to identify the physical demands of the occupation.
Another use of a PDA is to assess whether a potential employee can perform the required physical demands during the job screening process.
Functional Abilities (Capacity) Evaluations (FAE) / (FCE)
Functional Abilities Evaluations measure an individual’s physical capacities and restrictions and compares them to the physical demands of their own occupation. Alternatively it can determine capacity for any occupation.
We have many facilities available for one or two day testing programs with highly qualified Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.
Job Coaching
We have solutions available for the variety of issues arising from mental health issues in the workplace.
We can help provide strategies and coaching for those supervising an employee diagnosed with a mental health condition.
We provide preventative and proactive solutions customized for your workplace dynamics.
Workplace Assessments and Solutions
CompreMed provides job site and ergonomic assessments in the workplace. It can implement recommendations for physical and cognitive accommodation.
In this type of assessment, the assessor is able to identify any health or any safety hazards.
Recommendations can be made to modify the working environment to reduce the risk of injury or work related stress.
Independent Psychiatric / Psychological Assessments
Independent Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluations are Independent Medical Evaluations performed by Psychiatrists or Psychologists and evaluate mental health conditions to determine disability, specific work restrictions and treatment recommendations.
Vocational Assessments
These assessments are conducted to evaluate an individual's vocational capabilities and future employment options or to offer workplace accommodations. This type of assessment utilizes a transferable skills analysis which considers the employee's education, job skills, aptitudes, interests, physical and cognitive capabilities, and restrictions to determine vocational options, when permanent accommodation is needed.
Pre-Placement Medicals / Screening
Pre-placement medicals determine capacity to meet the required demands of a proposed job. We have specialist providers who are accredited to test for firearm use in those positions where it is a requirement.
Diagnostics – MRI / CAT / Ultrasound / X-Ray
CompreMed can arrange for diagnostic testing including MRI, CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound, and Eye Testing. We will source for additional diagnostic testing if requested.
File Reviews
CompreMed specialists review a claimant file including previous assessments, medical and treatment history, diagnosis, and prognosis. The assessor will provide a report, make recommendations for treatment or further investigations, and address any questions posed by the client within their scope of practice.
Virtual Assessments / Telemedicine
Now offering virtual assessments and telemedicine options for most specialties when applicable.